Letter from Kenneth to JA
Written winter 1943

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                               Crossville, Ill.
                                  Gen. Del.
Hi Sud:
      Say that sure is a good picture you sent me. That looks just like my twin brother. What is the matter are you ashamed of that mug of yours???
       Well I am hunting a house to move into. We need more room so I will sell this trailer house.
      I heard from Toby Moore the other day. What was the matter with him that he was in the hospital? Has he been out to sea yet?


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Phala Jean is coming to see us when I get a house.
       Is Flicker still in camp there?
      Boy you ought to see my pork for this winter. I have traded for 3 pigs they sure are pretty.
      Most of the roughnecks have left here and gone to Kansas & Montana. I am getting itching feet myself.
     I wish you was man size so you could send me your good looking pants. I have been 


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pumping so long I have wore the ass end out of my two pair HA  HA.
       What are you learning in school? Still first aid. Boy you can't learn too much so my advise is go to school just as long as you can because you sure can use that, you will need it when you get out. You probably can get a job teaching hicks like me first aid. If I could give first aid, I could sure have a better job now.
    You be good & write.
       Kenneth Hale

Site last updated 16 April,  2011
Copyright 2011 Leonard A Hale