Letter from Phala to JA
Written 8 Mar 1943

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Dear J. A.
        How are you getting along? We are all O.K. Daddy is on the war-path again - mad.
         I passed in every-thing in school except Science, and I made 62 on that
    There has been a lot of dying here lately and around. King Mitchel got cut to pieces the last Thurs. by a train. He was in the Army. The Army wouldn't let anyone open the casket. Olan Dawson got killed at least we heard he did, a machine gun backfired.


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We are sending your ring. Ruby and Otis were up here Sun. They all went to Vesta's. I went to Wright City and stayed all evening with another girl. I don't know much to write so I guess I had better close.
                           Love; Your  Sis,
P.S.                     Phale Jean Hale 
If you need             Red
a translation
of Donald's
letter, write
and tell us

Site last updated 16 April,  2011
Copyright 2011 Leonard A Hale